

Be a fish, dive deep and enrich, in life's ocean, carve your niche!
Fish in a suit is community for both Koreans and foreigners to understand each other in a wider perspective and enjoy various cultural experience in Korea together!


"Fish in a suit" metaphorically contrasts the natural state of a fish with the formal, sometimes constraining nature of a suit.
Comparing people to fish in suits as Fish trying to navigate one’s work / business / concerns —out of its element and feeling the pressure to fit in. It’s a humorous way to show how people can feel connected and be oneself even under social expectations, while swimming along in the community sea.
"양복입은 물고기"는 인간으로 비유된 물고기와, 정장의 형식적이고 제약적인 성격이 은유적으로 대치한 문구입니다.
'양복'은 개인이 순응해야 한다고 느끼는 사회적 압력, 규범 또는 기대치를 뜻합니다.
Fish in a suit는 사람들을 정장을 입은 물고기에 비유하면서, 개인이 사회 환경에 적응하거나 성공하려고 노력하는 동안에도 Fish in a suit라는 커뮤니티 바다를 헤엄치면서 어떻게 서로 연결되고, 또 Be yourself 할 수 있는지를 유머러스하게 보여주는 방법입니다  
Working is hard
and Balancing between work & life is even harder
Let’s find our own uncomfort but challengable zone!

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